
The Stigma around Managing Mental Health Conditions with Medication

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Do you like going to the doctor? No one does, usually. Other than the fact that nobody likes learning that something new is wrong with them, some people have the unfortunate opinion that medication is a negative choice to take. 

More specifically, some people are scared of the possibility of becoming dependent on it. However, is this correct thinking? It would be unwise to become so fearful of one negative outcome that you deprive yourself of necessary medical attention. 

As long as you know your health situation and what works for you, you can learn to manage your medication and enjoy slow but healthy benefits! 

Benefits of Medication for Different Behavioral Disorders 

When it comes to behavioral health disorders, there are multiple benefits to having medication to help manage it. This is why it’s unfortunate to see the negative stigma that medication is a harmful choice because it’s “unnatural” or that medication will cripple you with an unwanted dependency.

This simply isn’t true at all. 

While you shouldn’t expect medication to cure you of a disorder or illness, it can help make a disorder or illness less painful or inconvenient for you. As a result, you can live your daily life better than previously. Better yet, you may be able to feel like your normal self again. 

It’s just a matter of finding the best medication for your health and specific lifestyle. 

There are several types of prescriptions available to treat mental illnesses that exist today. A few of the most commonly used medications are:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Antipsychotic
  • Mood stabilizing
  • Stimulant medications 

Prescribed medication plays a crucial role in the treatment of behavioral health disorders. Their purpose is to reduce symptoms that make life uncomfortable for those suffering from their current sickness. Medications help to prevent relapses of a psychiatric disorder, such as bipolar or schizophrenia, and allow you to live a more content and comfortable life without these inconvenient symptoms. 

Also, prescription medication has been proven to help certain patients in losing unhealthy cravings. That is, it aids them in maintaining abstinence from addictive substances that are causing them problems. Taking medication in the correct manner prescribed and given to you by a professional doctor is not substance abuse. 

Furthermore, as long as you take your medication safely and as prescribed, you most likely will not develop an addiction or unhealthy dependency on it. The key is taking it safely and correctly, intending to properly use the medication instead of abusing it for purposes other than its intended one. 

It’s also very important to state that taking medication to help manage your mood is very different from taking a drug to alter your mood.

How Medication Can Be Effective 

For you to get the most benefit out of your medication, you must make a fully informed choice about taking medication and which one(s) you want. You must also understand all potential benefits, costs, and potential side effects associated with your medication use.

In addition, you must take your assigned medication as prescribed by a mental health professional. This is a critical step! 

Many effective medications currently exist for the treatment of major mental disorders, including mood disorders. A few quality medications for common disorders are: 

  • Depression and bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders; post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Schizophrenia 
  • Other psychotic disorders

Placebo-controlled trials have proven that medications for mental health disorders reduce or eliminate symptoms altogether. For example, antidepressant medications consistently reduce symptoms of depression and allow for more comfortable living in patients. Some have seen a reduction of anxiety, mood swings, and symptoms related to their specific disorder. 

It’s important that you remain persistent until you find the medication (or a combination of medications) that works for you. Some medications can work quickly, allowing you to see improvements within a matter of days. For other prescriptions, they may need to work more slowly. You may need to take medication for several weeks or months before you see improvement. 

If you feel like a specific medication isn’t working (or you’re having side effects), you may need to consult with your provider to discuss possible adjustments. Many people don’t experience side effects, while for others they’ll go away within a few weeks. But, if side effects continue, changing medications or their simple dosage can often help.

Medication is critically important in high-quality treatment for patients with severe or long-term mental illness symptoms.

How to Start the Process of Finding the Right Medication

Finding a Psychiatrist 

The first step to finding the best medication for you is to find a primary care doctor or psychiatrist available within your area. 

They may arrange for an appointment to have a conversation and possibly prescribe medication most appropriate for you. Finding a good psychiatrist or mental health provider requires that you do careful research. 

The most important detail you must consider is that your doctor is a good fit for you and understands your needs and desired medical choices. This can be critical for positive outcomes because many doctors have different treatment preferences for their patients; you must find one who fits your preferences for treatment. 

It’s advisable to carefully question your health care provider about medications to know what to expect. Be sure to include daily life activity, lifestyle restrictions, and possible interactions with other prescriptions you may have. 

The most common questions are: 

  • What are my options? 
  • How long will this medication take to be effective? 
  • What are the possible side effects? Are there any?
  • What if it fails to work?

Remember that no question is stupid. All of your concerns are valid. A good doctor will encourage their patients to ask them questions that concern them. 

Remember Patience Is Key for Results

Medications may not work quickly. When a person fails to see instant results, they may give up too soon. Sometimes finding the best medication is simple trial and error. A doctor may have to slowly achieve an effective regimen most dependent on what shows to work for you. 

Despite a potentially bumpy road, this can lead you to find the best medication suited for you and your needs.

It’s time that we overlook unnecessary stigmas around medication and try to encourage positive awareness. Medication is the chance to bring you closer to potential recovery. It provides you with the chance to live a more comfortable life by the use of a medication designed for your mental health recovery. Why not take it?

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