
Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that affects over 4 million people in the United States. Characterized by instability in moods, self-image, and relationships, BPD is one of ten personality disorders classified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Emotional volatility and impulsive behaviors often cause relationship turmoil and a great deal of difficulty in the lives of people with BPD. But it is treatable. At Alvarado Parkway, we have helped countless patients with borderline personality disorder learn to manage their symptoms, lead stable lives, and enjoy long-lasting relationships. 

Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms

The exact cause of borderline personality disorder is unknown, but most mental health professionals believe that both genetic disposition and exposure to childhood trauma play a role. BPD manifests differently in everyone, but most people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder experience long-term difficulty with at least five of the following symptoms. 


    • Fear of abandonment may cause a person with BPD to cling, become suspicious, or to sever relationships in anticipation of abandonment. 
    • Unstable identity is common in people with BPD.  They often shift their mannerisms, preferences, and habits to suit their surroundings. 
    • Distorted self-image may result in deep feelings of worthlessness triggered by a perceived slight (real or imagined).  
    • Emotional instability may include intense and rapidly shifting periods of happiness, anxiety, shame, or anger.  
    • Chaotic relationships often involve rapid swings between feelings of extreme closeness and intense anger in people with BPD. 
    • Inappropriate or uncontrollable anger may be triggered by minor incidents and result in harmful behaviors toward oneself or others. 
    • Self-harm, such as cutting and burning, or suicidal behaviors may be triggered by feelings of fear or worthlessness in people with BPD. 



  • Impulsive and dangerous behaviors are common among those with untreated BPD. Risky behaviors may include gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, substance abuse, and binge eating. 
  • Feelings of emptiness often plague people with BPD. 
  • Dissociative symptoms, or feelings of unreality, are also common. 


Many of the above symptoms are present in other mental health conditions as well. A proper diagnosis from a mental health professional is crucial for receiving the appropriate treatment. 

As with most other mental health disorders, there is no “cure” for borderline personality disorder, but treatment can help patients identify triggers, manage symptoms, and minimize the negative impacts of BPD on their lives and relationships. At Alvarado Parkway Institute, our treatment programs begin with a full physical exam and medical testing to rule out other illnesses, and a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation to ensure the proper diagnosis. Every person is different, some with milder symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and others with more severe symptoms. Many people with BPD also have co-occurring conditions such as chemical dependency issues. Our customized treatment plans are designed to address the particular needs of each individual, and we provide varying levels of care through a range of  inpatient and outpatient programs.


No two treatment plans will look exactly the same, but treatment for borderline personality disorder usually centers around helping patients learn to self-soothe, reduce impulsivity, and improve relationships.  Medications may be prescribed for anxiety, depression, or mood swings, but psychotherapy is the cornerstone of BPD treatment. The following types of psychotherapy have been found effective in the treatment of BPD: 

  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) focuses on applying skills to deal with strong emotions, tolerate distress, and interact with the environment in healthier ways. Meditation and mindfulness are often part of a DBT treatment plan. 
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches patients to recognize and change negative thought patterns in order to better manage stressful life events. 
  • Mentalization-based therapy (MBT) is a specialized type of talk therapy that helps patients to create an alternate perspective on a situation, putting emphasis on the idea of pausing to think before reacting or responding. 
  • Schema-focused therapy (SFT) helps patients shed the negative world-view they learned in childhood and adopt new modes of behavior based on a healthier world view. SFT often involves a range of techniques, including assertiveness training, guided imagery, and role-playing. 


If you or someone you love suffers from the symptoms of borderline personality disorder, help is available. The symptoms of BDP reflect ingrained patterns of thinking and behavior, so  there is no quick-fix, but relief is possible, and you don’t have to do it alone. We can help. 


Contact API

At Alvarado Parkway, we’re committed to helping our patients and their families optimize their mental health and live their best lives. We’d be honored to join you on your journey toward a healthier, happier you. For more information on borderline personality disorder treatment at Alvarado Parkway Institute, please call us at (619) 667-6125.

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